Thursday, October 13, 2011

Optimize Your Blog with Calls to Action

A basic inbound marketing rule is to provide valuable content. Make valuable content available everywhere from your website to your lead nurturing campaigns to your customer service and sales cycles. But to get the most out of your content, you have to call attention to it. You need pair your valuable content with a call to action!

A call to action (CTA) is exactly that. It makes your blog reader, applicant, shopper want to do something - and in an ideal situation, do it with a sense of urgency. Your blog is an excellent place to use CTAs. Putting a small CTA at the end of a brief article about related, valuable content will generally be received as helpful, not pushy.

When I post mortgage rate updates on a mortgage broker client's blog, I always include a variation of CTA like this one at the bottom of each article:

Rates for every home loan type listed above are under 4%! Now is a great time to refinance. Request a free home loan consultation to learn more about your mortgage options.

On text-heavy articles, I include graphics to draw attention to the CTA. Fiddle with it. Do some A/B testing. See what works best for different types of articles.

However you do it, dropping a call to action in the bottom of a blog article rich with valuable content is a quick, easy way to helpfully encourage your target audience to take action. Give it a try! And check out Hubspot's recent article 5 Locations You Must Add Your Calls to Action for other great ideas.

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