Thursday, October 27, 2011

365 Days with Hubspot

I did it. I signed a contract with Hubspot.

Hubspot is an inbound marketing content managent system that allows small businesses - and some. big ones - to manage their web marketing efforts with one platform. I've worked with the software since 2008 and really believed in the principles and the overall product. I've taken bad jobs and paycuts just to be near the Hub'.

Recently, I got frustrated at work, and somewhat impulsivly but not regretably signed myself up for 365 day, basic Hubspot package at a whopping $200/month. I say whopping because I don't actually HAVE much of a small business to run. I have a very dead massage website that hasn't been updated since 2009 when I went into marketing full time. And it's terrible.

So that's the challenge. For the next 365 days, I have to make $200/month doing massage to cover the cost of this software. At least. (I'd like to quit my desk job, too, of course.) I plan to post regular updates, screenshots and more to track my progress and to entertain whomever is out there reading.

Here goes nothin'...

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