Monday, November 14, 2011

The Best Internet Marketing Secret Weapon There Is


Writing is the best secret weapon available to you as an internet marketer. Learn to write, and you can do anything. There are some general rules for SEO and webinars out the wazoo for social media. You have to be persistent and committed to master those things but not overly talented.

Writing is a bit harder - takes practice plus persistence and commitment. And people in your industry want it. If you can write, you can helpfully and knowledgeably blog for product wholesalers, clients, magazines, industry affiliates and on and on and on. And they will all link back to you, your product, your company's web presence.

Learn to write. Then write a lot. Then share what you write, and offer to write for others.

Your writing, locked and loaded with strategic links and helpful content, is the best place to invest your time and start an internet marketing plan.

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