Tuesday, November 3, 2009

One Woman Show: Mobile Marketing


I am not a marketing genius. I like inbound marketing, creating remarkable content and fiddling with social media, but guru is not a title I hold. I am, however, opinionated. And I do pay attention.

Practical Advice from a One-Woman Show

Watch out for mobile marketing. I don't think it will boom, but I do think it has been creeping up on many of us small business marketers. And while I know I'm not the first to say it, as sales of PDAs and smartphones continue to rise among the-average-Joe as opposed to tech-savvy, ultra-important business people - as a sometime-marketer and mommy, I can't live without mine - marketers will need to think about how they:
  1. Format newsletters and email correspondence: graphic-heavy html versus text-only.
  2. Write content: continued shift toward clickability versus readability.
  3. Reach out and interact: mobile-ready social media with phone-friendly commenting capabilities versus PPC or site-based forums and chat rooms.
Just a few thoughts. Do a Google search for "mobile marketing trends." See what pops up.

Mobile in 2010

How much do you know about mobile?

I know not only need to learn more, but that I also need to make room for the new content formatting and writing styles in my 2010 marketing strategy. I need to make a timeline for reformatting newsletters and email reminders, plan for budget changes in PPC and build my blog subscriber-base.

Disclaimer - again

Most large companies and savvy marketers will have already prepared for what the mobile presence their respective industries means. I'm a little late. The industry I currently work in - holistic wellness - is pretty much always late to every party. Are you?

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