Thursday, December 10, 2009

Digital Native Hold-out: Succumbing to the "lol"

For all intensive purposes, I am a digital native. Life without my laptop, Blackberry and netbook is crushing - pathetic, I know. I read more blogs than I care to admit, and am a shameless Facebook updater and serial texter.

But I have not yet drowned in the MP3 player craze or succumbed to the infamous lol. I've always been bad with music. Being happy with radio's power in my life, I never bought CDs or tape cassettes. But I have no excuse - as a Digital Native - for not adopting the text lingo. I just can't seem to make myself do it.

I still remember the first time someone ASLMH'ed me in a chat room. I was dumbfounded. If you're like me, you'll need a lingo translator.

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