Monday, August 3, 2009

Effective Email Marketing: Importance of Valuable Content

When I started my first true marketing job at Lauterstein-Conway Massage School a.k.a. TLCschool, I was sending out at least four company-focused emails per month. I was told to do it, and so I did.

Being a small company, TLCschool didn't track anything nor did it offer opt in/out options, so I have no idea if it worked or not. But I did suspect I was hated. I would joke with students when I introduced myself saying, "I'm the one who spams you." They, of course, would just look at me strangely - they probably never got the emails anyway.

I wised up quick. TLCschool doesn't do things like this at TLCschool anymore. If we send out an email, it's because you asked us to do it. And when you get what you asked for, you'll get content that is valuable to YOU - to massage therapists and wanna-be massage therapists and employers and affiliated area businesses.

TLCschool cares about you. If we are wrong about what we send, let us know. We'll make it better, more valuable and more interesting for YOU.

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