Thursday, May 14, 2009

Chris Brogan's Marketing Secret: Be Helpful

In Extreme Blog and Twitter Popularity Tips from Chris Brogan, an interview of one of the world's top bloggers and most popular Twitter users by also-hugely-popular David Meerman Scott, Chris Brogan reveals that being popular is a result of being helpful.

The most important thing I gathered from this interview - which seems so common sense that I bet it is often neglected - is that while it is easier and less time-consuming for marketers to write the lofty blog articles that disseminate knowledge with a minimal effort, being involved in the conversation is the most effective way become popular. And if your goal is to, however altruistically, draw attention to your product, there is no better way to go than to boost your brand than giving it a helpful personality - especially yours.

Who are you helping today? My personal goal is to search out three wellness-industry Tweeters and say, "Hello. My name is Jen. I'm a wanna-be helpful LMT and marketing aficionado. Maybe I can help!"

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