There is a lot you can get from "XXX for Dummies" books and a lot to learn from seminars and webinars - I do all of that myself. But there is nothing like having someone walk with you, as they say, as you grow and develop your small business.

Show Me the Money

No! I do not post specific services and their respective rates because rates are based on your needs, which I don't know yet. I'm also not going to "sell you" on services you don't need to buy using money you don't have. Why? Because I am just as protective of my time as you are of your money, so there's no benefit for either of us in that.

But here are some ideas for how I can serve you:

Consulting | This is ideal for a small business owner who needs a brainstorming partner for idea generation or a small business marketing professional who needs a fresh pair of eyes to help make improvements to or grow an existing plan. Perhaps the existing plan isn't working, and you can't figure out why. I've got an overactive brain, fresh eyes and good experience - I can help!
  • As-needed or one time small business marketing consulting: $60-95/session.
  • Campaign or project-based marketing consulting, minimum of three sessions/project: $60/session.
  • Monthly rates are available, too, believe it or not. But let's chat about those.
Implementation | If you are a small business owner or marketer who needs an extra pair of hands, I've got two.
  • Social Media Set-up (including a blog platform and linking of two media sources of your choice): +/-$250
  • Social Media Management (including four blog articles and daily/weekly engagement on two media sources): +/-$400/month.
  • Individual Blog Articles: $35-50/article.
  • eBooks: $150-400/book.
  • Website Management (including html changes, lite content creation and updating, assistance with embedding, video, tracking tools, etc.): $400-$1500/month. 
Training| Have an employee who could fit your marketing needs with a little know-how? I'd love to work with him: $60/hour.
    See how hard it is to post prices? Again, you tell me what you need, and we'll work it out.

    So where do you start? Great question! Follow me...