Thursday, November 12, 2009

Zappos: An Answer to Stale

Zappos might be the answer to my recent ponderings about Starbucks' failure to provide a memorable experience and Apple's sleepwalk-inspired marketing.

PubCon 2009: Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh Keynote covers customer service, the customer experience - Hello, Starbucks, you used to be good at this - and what Zappos does internally for and with its employees.

Check Yourself

Zappos core values are what I really got amped up about in the post. Notice how each value listed below is about what employees - people - can do, not about what Zappos should be doing as an organization or how Zappos management would like to see things run.

1. Deliver WOW through service

2. Embrace and drive change

3. Create fun and a little weirdness

4. Be adventurous, creative and open-minded

5. Pursue growth and learning

6. Build open and honest relationships with communications

7. Build a positive team and family spirit

8. Do more with less

9. Be passionate and determined

10. Be humble

Wouldn't you want to work here? If you did, wouldn't you have good things to say about your company? Would you want to invest more of your time and energy in a company like this? Would you be passionate about it? Would you do it willingly, eagerly? Heck yeah! A company will prosper through work rooted in the answers to these questions.

Zappos' emphasis on the individual as an individual from the hiring point, through its focus on passion, spirit, humility, WOW and adventurousness, will be its saving grace if it ever hits a wall like Starbucks or Apple. Why? Would a company that encourages its staff to "create a little weirdness" present a stale marketing campaign or hard-sell bagels at the drive-thru? I think not. The checks-and-balances system would kick in. Pushing a product on a loyal customer everytime they buy from you wouldn't be weird enough, WOW enough. It wouldn't breed positivity.

Employees would revolt. And thank God!

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